REF 1651749
22.10.2024 | Dubai | full time
answer customer questions by phone, email, webchat, social media or in person. give quotations and check product availability. sell products or services and take payments. handle complaints or pass them to a supervisor.
Applicants 2
REF 1651742
22.10.2024 | Dubai | full time
-Type data into computer -Maintain department records, reports, correspondence, and other files as requested -Read and route incoming mail, mail, fax and email communications -Prepare outgoing mail -Compose and type routine correspondence.
Applicants 13
REF 1651682
22.10.2024 | Dubai | full time
An Office Administrator is a professional who oversees operations across their organizations office. They are responsible for welcoming visitors, coordinating meetings, appointments and directing various administrative projects.
Applicants 2

Office Attendant

REF 1651504
22.10.2024 | Dubai | full time
* Handling more than 80 Office boys * Writing Reports, Records incidence. * Maintain the Attendance of Office boys * Daily Checking of Office boys Staff Uniform, Hygiene, and Grooming.
Applicants 2
REF 1651498
22.10.2024 | Dubai | full time
We are looking for a Customer Service Assistant who can assist customers with inquiries, complaints, and orders.
Applicants 6
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